The Toronto Morgentaler Clinic
727 Hillsdale Ave E Toronto ON M4S 1V4
http://morgentaler.caThe Morgentaler Clinic has been providing safe and compassionate abortion services in Canada for over 40 years. In fact, abortions are possible (and legal) in this country because of the vision, dedication and skill of Dr. Henry Morgentaler and his team. Virtually every abortion facility across the country is guided by the techniques and philosophies developed here.
The Morgentaler Clinic offers a wide range of abortion care and related services, including counselling, contraceptive education and testing for sexually transmitted infections (STIs). We are dedicated to respecting your privacy, ensuring your safety and providing you the best possible medical care.
Our clinics perform abortions for women who are approximately 5–19 weeks pregnant. If your pregnancy does not fall within those guidelines, we’ll do our best to help you find the proper resources or refer you to a facility that can accommodate your needs.
Let's get in touch.
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Don't hesitate to reach out. We'd love to hear from you!