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Michael Garron Hospital

825 Coxwell Ave [1st Floor, G-Wing Mortimer Lobby)] Toronto ON M4C 3E7

At Michael Garron Hospital (MGH), we support all families in their infant feeding decisions.

The Breastfeeding Clinic provides support to all families and babies of all ages and stages. Our nursing team assists new families and babies with breastfeeding during their hospital stay. If they need extra help and support after discharge, our clinic is available for outpatient breastfeeding counseling, education and follow-up.

Recognizing that people of all genders are often able to feed their babies we use the term chestfeeding and breastfeeding interchangeably. Please let us know the there is terminology that you feel most comfortable using.

The Breastfeeding Clinic is staffed by lactation consultants and public health nurses who have received advanced training in breastfeeding. Our staff work individually with each family to develop a plan of care, in addition to working with the baby’s health care provide and can refer to a paediatrician and dietician if required.

Common reasons for visiting at the Breastfeeding Clinic include:

  • Previous feeding problems or negative experiences
  • History of supply issues
  • Multiples (twins, triplets)
  • Medication concerns
  • Questions regarding pumping and storage
  • History of breast reduction or augmentation or other breast surgery
  • Preterm baby
  • Painful feeding, sore breasts, sore nipples
  • Feeding plan for returning to work

The Breastfeeding Clinic is open to all families regardless of where they had their babies including other hospitals, the Birthing Centre or at home.

Booked Appointments Only. Leave a message at 416-469-6580 ext. 6667 for appointment.

Tags related to this service:

  • Access Details: Appointment required
  • Referrals: No referral required
  • Service Type: Infant feeding

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