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MATCH South Riverdale Community Health Centre

955 Queen St E Toronto ON M4M 3P3

The MATCH (Midwifery and Toronto Community Health) Program offers a wide variety of services related to well-gynecological and pregnancy care. The MATCH team is made up of 5 midwives and one social worker. Our social worker can support clients in care with case management, housing support, crisis intervention, one-on-one counselling, resource navigation and assistance acquiring necessary supplies related to pregnancy and parenting.

The MATCH (Midwifery and Toronto Community Health) Program offers a wide variety of services related to well-gynecological and pregnancy care:

Pregnancy, labour and birth, and postpartum care for infants and adults (including infants born by surrogacy to LGBTQ+ families) Medication abortion care until 11 weeks Miscarriage care with medications until 13 weeks Abortion care navigation to any gestation

Tags related to this service:

  • Cost: Free
  • ID Required: No health card required
  • Referrals: No referral required
  • Area Covered: Toronto
  • Languages Offered: French, Cantonese, Tagalog, Gujarati, Access to interpretation services, English
  • Care offered: Medication abortion, Abortion
  • Service Type: Midwifery Care
  • Target Population: People who use drugs, Under/unhoused people, Newcomers

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