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Algonquin College of Applied Arts and Technology - Pembroke Campus

315 Pembroke St East [Health Services, Room 110D] Pembroke ON K8A 3K2

Laurie Ann Klawitter is a Registered Nurse in Health Services and is on campus Monday to Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. to assist Algonquin College students. Laurie Ann is an experienced nurse who provides good advice on health care issues impacting your ability to be successful in your studies. She can also refer you to community health care resources where you can access additional support.

Please note that Health Services is available only to students enrolled at Algonquin College and employees of the College.

**Sexual Health services are temporarily suspended due to COVID-19. If you have a sexual health concern please either contact Health Services at 613-735-4700, Ext. 2748 to make an appointment with our Registered Nurse or call the Renfrew County Sexual Health Clinic directly at 613-735-8653 to speak with a sexual health nurse. ** A Renfrew County Public Health Nurse provides Sexual Health Services every Wednesday from 2 to 4 p.m. The Sexual Health Clinic services are available to students and the general public, and include:

  • affordable birth control with a doctor’s prescription
  • free condoms
  • information about sexually transmitted infections (STI’s)
  • pregnancy testing
  • counselling about relationships and sexual decision-making
  • the clinic is open all year long, including the summer months The Sexual Health Clinic is a drop-in service. For more information call 613-735-8666, or 1-800-267-1097, extension 666. For more information about the Renfrew County Sexual Health Clinics and other locations, please see the Renfrew County Health Unit website.

If you have any of the symptoms below Call 9-1-1 or go to the nearest Emergency Department:

  • significant trouble breathing
  • chest pain
  • fainting
  • significant worsening of any chronic disease symptoms
  • severe injury

Tags related to this service:

  • ID Required: Student ID required
  • Care offered: Health counselling, Contraceptive care (birth control) dispensing, STI testing, Emergency contraception ("morning after" pill), HIV testing, Pap test, Contraceptive care (birth control) counselling
  • Service Type: Sexual Health Clinic
  • Target Population: Students

Let's get in touch.

Have any thoughts, comments or suggestions? Know of any services that should be listed on SRHR Map?
Don't hesitate to reach out. We'd love to hear from you!